

 Election Results


 “A Merry Christmas to All”
  Cartoonist:  Joseph Keppler
  Source:  Cartoons From "Puck"
  Date:   December 22, 1880, p. 45

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Complete HarpWeek Explanation:
It is Christmas time, and President-election James Garfield (with his arm raised) is distributing presents of political patronage to his fellow Republicans clockwise from Garfield): outgoing Interior Secretary Carl Schurz; Vice-President-elect Chester Arthur; former president Ulysses S. Grant; Senator James Donald "Don" Cameron of Pennsylvania]; Senator James Blaine of Maine; Senator John Logan of Illinois; and, in the left window, former postmaster general Marshall Jewell; and possibly outgoing treasury secretary John Sherman.

Having lost the election, the Democrats are left out in the cold. General Winfield Hancock, the defeated presidential nominee, stares into the window, while his vice-presidential running-mate, William English, peeks out of his "barrel of money." On the sidewalk in the background, James Gordon Bennett Jr., well-known as a sportsman and editor of the New York Herald, has shot and drags behind him an owl with the features of John Kelly. Bennett's newspaper had played a leading role in defeating Tammany Hall's slate of candidates in the November elections in New York City. The Democrats up a tree are (left to right): Senator Thomas Bayard of Delaware; former congressman Benjamin Butler of Massachusetts; Democratic party chairman William Barnum (on the lower branch); Senator L.Q.C. Lamar of Mississippi; Senator Wade Hampton of South Carolina; and Samuel Tilden of New York, the 1876 presidential nominee.













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