

 Bryan’s Continuing Presence


 “The Dog in the Manger"
  Cartoonist:  William Allen Rogers
  Source:  Harper's Weekly
  Date:   February 6, 1904, p. 187

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Complete HarpWeek Explanation:
Based on an Aesop’s fable, William Jennings Bryan is the dog that keeps horses from the “White House Oats,” even though he himself will not eat the grain. The cartoon manifests the common feeling that the twice-defeated Democratic presidential nominee of 1896 and 1900 was obstructing his party from unifying around another candidate. Bryan complained continually about the conservatives who were temporarily back in control of the party, promoted a series of populist candidates ridiculed by his detractors as “Bryan’s Little Unknowns from Nowhere,” and characterized the eventual nominee, Alton B. Parker, as “the muzzled candidate of Wall Street.” The “Great Commoner” did endorse Parker after the Democratic National Convention in early July, but waited until October to campaign for the national ticket. In the meantime, Bryan upstaged the 1904 nominee by announcing his own populist agenda, which many interpreted as the beginning of his campaign for the presidential nomination in 1908 (which he ultimately received).













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