

 Democratic Nomination


 “Reform Without Bloodshed”
  Cartoonist:  Thomas Nast
  Source:  Harper's Weekly
  Date:   April 19, 1884, p. 249

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Complete HarpWeek Explanation:
Harper's Weekly artist Thomas Nast and editor George William Curtis bolted the Republican party in 1884 when it nominated James Blaine for president. Even before the party conventions, however, Nast and Curtis lauded the reform efforts of New York Governor Grover Cleveland, the eventual Democratic presidential nominee.

This Nast cartoon pictures two future presidents working together for reform. Republican Theodore Roosevelt, then a young state assemblyman, sponsored several reform measures, including changing the municipal charter of New York City (featured here). The bill was aimed at making the city's government more efficient and less corrupt. Roosevelt (left) holds the bills for Governor Cleveland to sign. The theme articulated in the caption, "Reform Without Bloodshed," is reinforced by contrasting documents in the foreground: a "Law and Order" book (left) for New York's reformed government and a newspaper (right) reporting riots against Cincinnati's unreformed government.













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